A testimony in the Faith
Based on Real life.
A long time ago I thought that my life was meaningless, I suffered from depression, very fearful of things, emotionally unstable. Over time the depression grew in a way that I did not like, I was very wrong in my decisions and I was looking for answers in the wrong places.
One night I started having nightmares of very strong and ugly images, my personal fears took hold of me and I did not know what to do, I sought help in prayer and that was when I heard a Jesuit Father in a video that spoke about education and indicated that Psychologists in schools do a good job but there are emotional discomforts that cannot be cured through psychology because they are spiritual.
One night I woke up with nightmares and said with all my strength "Jesus of Nazareth have mercy on me" and at that moment the night calmed down and black spots were fading from my body and they faded and I fell asleep. At dawn I looked up the biblical quote that I gave Luke 18: 35-43 and I could see my actions that had not been good and I asked God for forgiveness for it. And there was a feeling of anguish and worry still inside me, one morning after praying I saw my past in a brief and deep way, I spoke with my parents and I realized that there was no forgiveness inside me for what I lived in the past : Matthew 6:14 "Because if you forgive others your offenses, your heavenly Father will also forgive you" ... and making a personal and direct prayer to God forgive and I see now that I have no more depression, any anguish or fear.
I did not experience everything I have related overnight, just seek God from the Heart, there are things that need spiritual healing and not psychological healing. Asking God for good discernment can help us see things from a different perspective and know what is best in our lives.
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