Non-violent communication-Introduction

Receive a Cordial Greeting of Peace and Love for all. There is a subject that I ran into a couple of months ago and the truth, it really caught my attention. It is about Nonviolent Communication, of which I will be talking about it throughout my publications. I can only tell you that it is not a recipe for quick remedies, it is not coaching, do not take it lightly; It is Communication, which will help all of us to be able to speak and understand what is a little difficult to converge.

God is going to make our main guide along this path, because there are things that can only be seen from the spiritual part that God has given you.

I will tell you that to learn about Nonviolent Communication, you need 3 essential requirements.

1) Believe in God. It blesses you and allows you to put yourself in someone else's shoe. At some point we have all come to question God, perhaps to hate or fear Him. Once you know it, your life changes in a way that you did not expect.

2) Know Communication. Basic, not as an expert:

Communication apart from being an Emitter-Receiver is that exchange of information that is transmitted through verbal and non-verbal means; and also in Culture, which is a way of Life.

3) Self-Knowledge. Be open to it

Self-knowledge is a key piece, since it is the one that will allow you to communicate with others without putting your pre-judgments first, something that you will become aware of as we talk about this topic.
In the first part of the Nonviolent Communication.

In the Gospel of John chapter 9 we can see "Jesus heals a man born blind", Jesus is the light, the blind man receives the Light that is Jesus. The recognition of the Other through Jesus who is the light. I invite you to read the entire chapter 9 of the Gospel of John. Because there are things and matters that can only be seen and understood through the spirit. See your neighbor.

Communication in Culture can be seen as I mentioned in the lifestyle and in the recognition of the Other. This is one of the first steps in Nonviolent Communication.
Nonviolent Communication: Self-knowledge

Self-Knowledge is Important, so bad mental habits are barriers that do not allow us to see the other objectively.
One of the main barriers in communication is arrogance, it reaches such a point that the person believes that he does not make mistakes and he gives himself the luxury of looking at the details in others of which he does not agree reaching a point of imposing your ideas about others and judge.
Look inside yourself what are your barriers to be able to get closer to your neighbor. Luke 10: 25-37, Matthew 6: 22-23. I invite you to meditate on the biblical passages that help us to see our interior and our neighbor.
Nonviolent Communication works from the heart and compassion with empathy.
Nonviolent communication known by its acronym: CNV is a model developed by Marshall Rosenberg that seeks for people to communicate with each other and also with each other with empathy and efficiency. "Source: Google"

Give from the heart, “What I want is compassion. We can find this in: Ephesians 4:32 "Rather, be kind and compassionate to one another, and forgive one another, just as God forgave you in Christ." Having seen the three steps we talked about earlier, meditate on this bible verse that helps us see the behavior that will help us to have a better CNV
Nonviolent Communication has four phases, in the following articles on this blog you can find the four phases.

If you have questions or comments, please feel free to write to us and share this information with more people who may also need it.

A strong hug full of Blessings and Peace.


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